Wednesday, 8 February 2023

The Diagnosis

About four years ago, my wife complained of abdominal pain, and she had also lost a lot of weight. We blamed this on breastfeeding. Our son was ten months old at the time. We went to the doctor. At first, the doctor assumed that my wife was pregnant because her hormones in her blood indicated that she was. Then I asked him to palpate her abdomen once. He did so. He became quiet and serious and ordered further examinations. There were hard lumps where the liver and intestines are. My wife had to stay in the hospital. She seemed calm, but I felt that she was terribly afraid. I had to go home alone with our son. The reassuring mother's breast was then gone from one moment to the next and I tried to give him the closeness he needed.

In the evening, my wife called me. I don't remember if she was crying. I think not. She had also cried or complained little later. She told me that the doctors had found evidence of cancer. Days later it was certainty. My wife had terminal colon cancer in her early 30s that had already spread to large areas of the liver. The doctors more or less gave us a year. Almost exactly one year later she died. Her body had taken on a grotesque shape before that. One in which there was hardly any life left. The sight hurts.

Monday, 8 February 2021

Frozen time

Frosty winter is easy to fill with life nowadays. But can we still pause - keep winter rest. How was it in the past? What did our grandparents do on winter nights when they were young? Read books, sit and look at the ice flowers on the window, freeze together, talk, tell stories, play games, get bored until you invent something new - something that lasts. Peter Bichsel, a Swiss writer, believes that boredom can be something constructive and positive, in that it makes us think and challenges us to make choices for a meaningful use of our time in life. Now, when we are no longer bored because we are constantly bombarded with impressions, is there still an inner drive to think intensively, or do we just react to the next cue that is fed to us?

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Sellin Südstrand

Es war stürmisch, die Wellen hatten Schaumkronen und der Wind zehrte an den Kleidern. Frisch war es an der Küste von Rügen – erfrischend. Zugegeben es war nicht immer einladend, aber die Kraft der Natur am Meer zu spüren, war beeindruckend; wie sie Stück um Stück von der Steilküste abträgt, wie sie die Landschaft formt und welche Wunder sie schafft – und das schon seit fast immer. Ich hatte einen Augenblick dessen an einem kalten Morgen fast für mich allein. Meet and greet the natur!

Sunday, 5 February 2017



We had skulls as motifs for the drypoint etching. I imagined the vivid part to the pig skull.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Cattle Skull


I attended a drypoint etching course at the Anteros Arts Foundation, Norwich. I did drypoint etching for the first timeI immediately loved it. It's easy and fast. Little equipment is needed. The printing colours were the best part–oily and rich in pigments. 

Monday, 2 January 2017

Happy New Year

I wish all of you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Sunday, 11 September 2016

A Pier at Noon

A Sweden holiday memory. Found the drawing hidden under a pile of paper.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Daydreaming ...

... in einer Berliner Seitenstraße bei Café und Kuchen.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Friday, 4 March 2016

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Lights On, Lights Off

There is a lot of switching lights on and off these days.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Thursday, 5 November 2015


Es war bereits dunkel. Die Nacht war klar. Auf einmal wurde es für wenige Sekunden taghell im Auto und aus dem Augenwinkel konnte ich etwas aufleuchten sehen, das waagerecht an uns vorbei flog. Mein erster Gedanke war, dass jemand es nicht abwarten konnte und für die Silvesternacht probte. Meine Tante erzählte uns später, dass ein Meteoroid just in dieser Nacht die Erde passiert hat. Möglicherweise haben wir das gesehen - einen Gruß aus dem All.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Hoch die Knie


Ich laufe seit langer Zeit. Mal intensiver, mal sind große Pausen zwischen den Trainingseinheit. Zuletzt habe ich wieder Freude an langen Läufen gefunden. Solange ich gut Luft bekommen, kann ich über Schmerzen in den Waden hinwegsehen. Von Lauf zu Lauf habe ich aber bemerkt, dass mit "Hoch die Knie" Schmerzen erst später auftreten oder ganz ausbleiben. Kostet vielleicht mehr Kraft, aber ich hatte das Gefühl, viel dynamischer und schneller zu sein. Damit: Sport frei!

Monday, 28 September 2015


Auf dem Beutenberg in Jena, hinter all den hochmodernen Forschungsinstituten, grasen auf der herbstlichen Weide Schafe und ziehen gemächlich von einem Ende zum anderen.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Kuressaare, Saaremaa

 Estonia, 2015

Zum Abschluß der Reise der Reise ging es auf die größte Insel, Saaremaa. Idyllisch und entspannt war's, wie auch im Rest des Landes - aber keineswegs langweilig.

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Just Cool

Estonia, 2015

Am Design Museum in Tallinn konnten wir nicht vorbeigehen. Die aktuelle Ausstellung "New Nordic Fashion Illustration 2" war klasse.

Sunday, 30 August 2015


Estonia, 2015

During our trip I hadn't to worry to go without good coffee. The coffee I got was strong and exceptionally delicious. It was at Epic Coffee were I had one of the best espressos! Thanks!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Winter Dormancy

Estonia, 2015

Our accommodation in Tallinn was not far from the little Bamby from which I told you before. The living room was exceedingly comfy. In winter, when the big oven is lit, I would set up there for winter dormancy.

Saturday, 22 August 2015


Estonia, 2015

Ich war auf Reisen. War in Estland. Die Reise begann in der Hauptstadt Tallinn. Laut der Legende erbaut an dem Ort, an dem ein Hirsch mit einem Sprung vom späteren Domberg dem dänischen König Waldemar II. entkam. An den Rehfall (lange Zeit hieß die Stadt Reval) erinnert heute ein Rehkitz aus Bronze. Das Rehkitz scheint ein beliebtes Souvenir zu sein. Es wurde schon oft geklaut - allerdings wurde es immer wieder durch eine neue Statue erstetzt.

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Mandrill Mask

From time to time such a mask would be quite useful!